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About us

About us

Our cooperation with strong international partners is an assurance of a secure and reliable delivery of natural gas to the Croatian market.

About us

Prvo Plinarsko Društvo (PPD) is a privately owned Croatian company based in Vukovar, conducting business in the import, sale and supply of natural gas within the Republic of Croatia. It is owned by Blue Horizon, which is 100 percent owned by investor Mr. Pavao Vujnovac.

PPD is the largest Croatian importer of natural gas, supplying customers in Croatia. Founded in 2001, it is headquartered in Vukovar. PPD's customers include the largest business and industrial consumers, as well as the largest suppliers in distribution areas.

Prvo plinarsko društvo stands out from other stakeholders in the Croatian market with a balanced portfolio and strong domestic and international partners. PPD has also secured transportation and storage capacities in Croatia and abroad, importing natural gas at both Croatian interconnectors (Rogatec and Drávaszerdahely).

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After more than 20 years of operation, PPD's business is divided between the Croatian and European markets. The company Prvo plinarsko društvo d.o.o., headquartered in Vukovar, is owned by Blue Horizon and operates exclusively in the Croatian market. Similarly named PPD companies operating in Slovenia, Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands and Switzerland are owned by PPD Global, headquartered in Lugano, Switzerland. The ultimate owner of all PPD companies in Croatia and abroad is Mr. Pavao Vujnovac.

PPD Group

PPD conducts business in European natural gas markets thanks to a professional and experienced team based in Lugano (Switzerland), and companies in Budapest (Hungary), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Milan (Italy), and Amsterdam (Netherlands). By combining expertise in logistics, financing, risk and specifications conformation, PPD has direct access to the largest wholesale markets with bilateral trade, exchange markets and broker platforms and can secure short-term, mid-term and long-term supplies.

With our long-standing experience in managing the procurement of natural gas and optimizing facility and storage capacities, we are able to provide our customers with a well-structured tailor-made product.

By trading in the busiest European natural gas trading point TTF and in the region (Austria, Italy, Hungary, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria), we can identify opportunities and realize trades between these markets on the common European natural gas market.

We are listed in the following natural gas exchange markets: CEGH CZ, TTF, PSV, BGH, BRM.


Ivana Pek Lučić

Ivana Pek Lučić

Member of the Management Board

Slaven Rajman

Slaven Rajman

Member of the Management Board

Zvonimir Šibalić

Zvonimir Šibalić

Member of the Management Board

Company information

Personal Identification Number: 58292277611 Registration Number: 1567594
Court Registration Number: 030070559 Competent Court: Trgovački sud u Osijeku
Company Equity: 2.053.820,00 € Management: Ivana Pek Lučić, Zvonimir Šibalić, Slaven Rajman
hr0223400091100236176 pbzghr2x Privredna banka Zagreb d.d.
Radnička ulica 50, 10 000 Zagreb
hr6224020061100599130 esbchr22 Erste&Steiermarkische Bank d.d.
Jadranski trg 3a, 51 000 Rijeka
hr8123600001102260934 zabahr2x Zagrebačka banka d.d.
Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, 10 000 Zagreb
hr5324070001024070003 otpvhr2x OTP banka d.d.
Ul. Domovinskog rata 61, 21 000 Split
hr1323900011100902689 hpbzhr2x Hrvatska poštanska banka d.d.
Jurišićeva 4, 10 000 Zagreb
Magazinska cesta 69, 10 000 Zagreb
HR5024080021100060714 PAZGHR2X PARTNER BANKA d.d.
Vončinina 2, 10000 Zagreb



Prvo Plinarsko Društvo (PPD) was established in 2001 as a joint venture of Croatian and international investors.


By 2006, PPD had built its first natural gas distribution network in Vukovar and nine municipalities in the Vukovar area (Bogdanovci, Borovo, Tompojevci, Negoslavci, Tovarnik, Nijemci, Markušica, Tordinci and Trpinja).


In 2010, Energia Naturalis assumed the ownership of PPD, making PPD a company owned exclusively by Croatian investors. A full restructuring of the company that followed prepared PPD for its role in the opening natural gas market.


In November 2011, Prvo Plinarsko Društvo signed a sales agreement with Gradska Plinara Zagreb – Opskrba d.o.o., a supplier of gas for the gas distribution network in Zagreb and the wider city area. When the distribution started on January 1st 2012, it marked the beginning of the full deregulation in the natural gas market in Croatia.


In 2012, ENNA Group started, with significant investment in human and technical resources in all operations of ENNA Group.


In 2013, ENNA established a company in Slovenia, which was to become PPD Energija.


In 2014, PPD Hungaria was established and shares acquired in the Port of Ploče and Adriatic Transport (ENNA Transport today), marking the Group’s advance into the logistics sector.


In 2015, PPD Serbia and PPD Bosnia and Herzegovina were established.


In 2016, the Novo Sutra Foundation was established.


In 2017, PPD Global was established in Switzerland.


In 2018, PPD partnered with INA to acquire shares in Petrokemija; a modern office building was built in Vukovar, which serves as the company headquarters for PPD and ENNA Group; energy efficient renovation work was completed at the General Hospital in Varaždin and the Police Academy in Zagreb.


In 2019, a biomass power plant was built and became operational in Vukovar. PPD Distribucija Plina Company restructured the distribution network in the Erdut municipality and was granted a licence for natural gas distribution in the area. ENNA Group increased shares in Port of Ploče.


In 2020, the Group sold PPD Distribucija Plina and PPD Opskrba Kućanstava companies and established PPD Fuelling LNG Company. ENNA Group spread into the fruit and vegetable business sector by launching its ENNA Fruit Company.


In 2023, PPD is leaving ENNA Group.

Our recruitment policy and our relationship towards our employees rest on the principles of creating high-quality team relationships, as well as encouraging the individual qualities and creativity of employees.

We have brought together a young, driving, highly trained and highly motivated team made up of:

  • 36% women and 64% men
  • Almost 60% university trained employees, over 40 % of whom are engineers
  • The average age of employees is 36
  • End-user satisfaction
  • Compliance with strong safety norms and professional standards
  • A high level of professionalism in approaching the business
  • Promoting knowledge and human potentials
  • Application of new technological solutions

By applying technology, knowledge and business excellence, as a reliable and standard partner, we aim at contributing to improving the quality of life and business results of our private and commercial users.

ISO 9001
The members of the PPD Group adhere to strict quality rules. PPD is holder of ISO 9001 certification.